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Michael Richardson


Authors description:

Michael Richardson is a multi-instrumentalist, producer, audio engineer, and composer.
With the artist name The Madeleines, Michael self-recorded the full length album The Old Man The Boat, released in August 2022. That record was featured on Bandcamp's front page upon release, and received positive underground attention.

Michael earned his Bachelors of Music in Sound Recording Technology and Guitar in 2022, focusing on jazz and commercial music. He has played electric guitar in jazz big bands, including for a tour of Senegal.

In March 2023, Michael released an original motion picture soundtrack for Turquoise & Gold, a documentary film directed by Jack Hanton.

Aside from music, Michael also produces podcasts, including Currently Thinking, Fact Cougars, and Dungeons All The Way Down, for which he also composed incidental music.

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